What is Gentoo?
Well, it is the choice distribution for many linux
enthusiasts. Meaning, that the user gets the most
control of their operating system, at the small
cost of adjusting some settings themselves, along
with compiling every source-based package on their own.
In other distributions (formerly distros), the source
code is given to an official server, or "mirror". These
servers then have the job of compiling the code into
something that your computer can understand. This
process tends to be resource-intensive and can take
a worrying amount of time. Luckily, for what are
called "binary distros", this process is taken care
of for you. The Gentoo Linux distribution gives the
power of one of these servers, and more, to the user.
If having control of your computer interests you,
then you should look into Gentoo Linux.
If you are a tinkerer, you should also look at your
first step on replacing the GNU utils.